I'm Grateful.

  1. The Gospel.
  2. Family
  3. Missionaries
  4. Skype, Facebook and email.
  5. New medicines.
  6. Doctors.
  7. The accident I was in. 
  8. The color blue.
  9. smiling
  10. people who are positive
  11. The Book of Mormon
  12. Young Women Leaders. I could make a list of your names. 
  13. Best Friends who've stuck with me.
  14. Experiences.
  15. Crying. The people who let you.
  16. Happiness.
  17. Balloons.
  18. Trek.
  19. Girls Camp.
  20. The leaders of the Church.
  21. Chaos. the moments after.
  22. The Pacific Drive 2nd Ward. 
  23. Southern Utah. 
  24. Utah.
  25. Slaps in the face.
  26. Testimony's
  27. Prayer.
  28. Next door neighbors.
  29. stars
  30. Chocolate.
  31. The number 13.
  32. Megan Blume.
  33. San Francisco
  34. Sunshine on cloudy days.
  35. rainbows and butterflies.
  36. new beginnings.
  37. memories.
  38. BYU bookstore.
  39. Sarah Dessen Books.
  40. The Help.
  41. Grandma Mendenhall.
  42. Aunt Mel.
  43. Fishlake.
  44. Temple square.
  45. Music 
  46. Naps
  47. That I don't have to use a hair straightener. 
  48. Temples.
  49. Hair Blogs
  50. The things and People in my life.     
  51. good talks.
  52. rubber band
  53. presents
  54. paper- clips
  55. fishes
  56. little girls laughter
  57. flowers
  58. the american flag
  59. bucket list
  60. shells
  61. gas stations
  62. oatmeal
  63. pumpkin seed bars
  64. caramel popcorn
  65. wal- mart
  66. calm
  67. this list 
  68. rocks
  69. feasting on the scriptures
  70. problems
  71. 8 year olds
  72. camera
  73. phones
  74. cottage cheese
  75. cabins 
  76. love
  77. Joshua 1:9
  78. Article of Faith 13
  79. hills
  80. trials
  81. pictures
  82. support
  83. gratitude
  84. fans
  85. BYU 
  86. the kids that are exactly like me
  87. diamonds
  88. that song.
  89. lotion
  90. chap-stick
  91. itch creme
  92. warm water bottles
  93. hot chocolate
  94. pony tails
  95. hikes
  96. mountains
  97. cars
  98. jenny winkel
  99. backyard fence
  100. driveways
  101. smart people
  102. trees
  103. the sky
  104. milk
  105. that boy with blond hair in AF
  106. the couch
  107. Being a church member my whole life.
  108. Lamps
  109. Farmland
  110. that tramp with our secrets and laughter stitched into it. 
  111. That glorious stake center
  112. Ol' AF junior high
  113. Mr. Thompson
  114. Mr. Farnsworth
  115. Sister Blume
  116. Sister Mcfarland
  117. Bishop Livingston
  118. Timpanogos Temple
  119. Downtown Provo
  120. Dad's Work
  121. Those cousins who showed me what hard work is. 
  122. Aspens
  123. the lake
  124. Clocks
  125. Time
  126. streets
  127. benches
  128. hard workers
  129. that last party right before i left
  130. that girl in lindon. her support and friendship. 
  131. The Temple and the peace.
  132. Modest clothing.
  133. The song "If I Die Young." Band Perry
  134. Phone calls. long ones.
  135. Flowers
  136. shells
  137. summer beach nights
  138. beautiful sunsets
  139. benches
  140. Porches
  141. the beauty of a backyard fence
  142. Fish magnets
  143. School pictures
  144. Forests
  145. Ships 
  146. Favorite scriptures
  147. bedtimes stories
  148. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
  149. Light .
  150. Stars
  151. Moon
  152. Orange
  153. Yellow
  154. Tortia chips
  155. Peach Cobbler with Vanilla Ice cream
  156. Sister Missionary Mall
  157. In utah doing the scripture mastery in the classroom and not having to do it on your own.

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