Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Believe me.

My history teacher told me i'm to serious.
She's tahitian.
I laughed for 20 minutes straight.

I'm in love with black and white photographs.

True Story.

I'm getting braces. TOMORROW.
I never thought this day would come.
honest and truly.

no comment.

i'm as happy as a bird with a french fry.

Still trying to learn french.

i spend to much time on pinterest.
and listen to, to many love songs.

i woke up 5 minutes before seminary started.
it takes place in my living room.
i'm the one that wakes everyone up.

i love the color mint green. 
lavender comes in second.

life is grand. there is so much to be grateful for.

goody goody gumdrops. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

{love like crazy.}

 love like crazy,


Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Truth?

i'm in love with people i've never met and places i've never been.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

We Are More. remember this


So if you know me you know that i
(let's just say there's a lotta love)
ready for it...
he is we.

the video was made by Rachel.
lead singer of He Is We.
I love her voice.
love her style.
really just love her.
she is a great person to look up to.

she is going through a really rough time right now
with being sick and stuff.
really just watch the clip it explains more.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

july?!? not cool.

Summer has gone by wayyy too fast.

I hate school and never want to return.

American school is easier, and if i hear any whines when school starts i will be ticked.


I love Free by Zac Brown Band.

I use my facebook now in francais.

I haven't talked to my friends forever. the thought scares me.

My brother got me a cool glass, tonight coca-cola anyone?

I realllyyyy want a chocolate soda right now.

I can't call grandma because skype hates me. she is going to kill me.

Not having a new book is bugging the heck out of me.

i've only been to the beach twice this summer. both times i didn't get in. poop.

My really good friends brother got married on saturday. congrats dude.

I'm addicted to pinterest.

I'm pretty sure I will marry a cowboy.

I need to learn more french.

Have a good summer peeps.


Last chance at stake dance to dance with a boy.
He asked me what color my tooth brush was.
answer for me: purple
him: either pink or green.
(p.s. this happened forever ago. but it gave me a good chuckle) (:

Tuesday, June 26, 2012



it's always a
good time!!


it's always a 
good time!!


We don't even have to try

it's always a 
good time!!


We can live with God again.

These past couple of days I have been looking back on an experience I had in October of 2010.

I fell out of a truck on the way to school.

The day before we had my grandpas (moms dad) funereal.

We talked about how we can be with our loved ones again and we were explaining the situation to the little kids that didn't really understand what had just happened.

We all had our ups and downs. 

We remembered times at the cabin or on the long sunday drives. The moose above the fire place hunt, stuff like that you know?

We said " Heaven isn't  far away."

When I fell out of that truck on the way to school. I kept wondering was "was this it?" , "doesn't end here?".

Luckily it didn't but it could have easily gone the other way.

a friend of ours passed away a couple of weeks ago too.  all of it came just down to me feeling this way. 

 everyday is a blessing. so go tell your mother you love her. or tell the person your mad at sorry.

go give somebody a hug. or bake a cake for an old lady in your ward.

can I tell you a secret?

every thing is going to be okay in the end. 

don't you worry.

P.S. good video if a loved one has died or just to remember loved ones who have passed on..

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


What do i do at 3:43 in the morning

well i like to sleep

but alas tonight sleep went to a friends house and hasn't got back quite yet.

so what do i do

i watch wisdom teeth videos


Chaddy Chad

he's from Lehi.

funny eh?

but yes.

sleep hasn't gotten back from her friends house and left her phone here and i pretty ticked at her.

so alas i will go and watch more chaddy chad.

                                               you lucky peeps who get sleep,

Saturday, June 16, 2012

It's 11:00 at night.

yes I am awake still.
wanna know why?
because this people like to have parties with loud music and blast them all night.
(trust me, they did it all last night too!)

Wanna know something else.
yesterday (thursday) I finished school.
as in done. 1st year done.
this is HUGE.
like the macho drinks you get at taco bell.
I miss taco bell...
okay sorry it's 11:00
i'm tired.
really tired.

but all I wanted to say was i'm done with school.
maybe you'll get a better post 'bout it tomorrow.

ta ta,

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I mean seriously?

This is a post where I tell you that yesterday I saw a dead dog skeleton on the side of the road while I was walking on that road.
It was nasty!! 
I mean seriously?
nasty completely and totally nasty! 

and that is why I am terrified to walk anywhere now. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Five. Cinq. Cinco. Pae.

I have 5 days of school left 5.
This school year has brought me so many challenges.
It has brought tears.
It has brought joy.
It has brought much uncertainty.
It has brought laughter.
It has brought downward spirals from being homesick.
It has brought road-blocks.
and " What do we do?"

It has brought much strength.
Strength I didn't know I had.
Strength to overcome.
Strength to deal with teachers.
Strength to deal with kids.
Strength to try and be more kind.
Strength to not break down, and to cry.
Strength to kneel down and to pour out every last thing.

It has brought new learning.
French, Spanish and Tahitian.
Math, French History and Geography.
Physic Chemistry, Science and Technology.
Art and Music.

It has brought Trial. The good kind.
Getting up at 4:00 in the morning.
Doing hard and difficult homework.
Being away from loved ones.
Being more grateful.
Learning to deal with what you have.
and learning what you don't need.
People that is a blessing.
Learning to be positive.

It has brought happiness.

This school year has made me better.
made me sad.
made me think.
made me learn.
made me wonder.
and pray hard.
made me grateful.

I know that thing upcoming week will bring.
short attentions spans.
hard work.

Five. Cinq. Cinco. Pae.

Beautiful Heartbreak.


I shed a couple tears. I love this song! 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

It hurts.

So today I biff it.
I fell and it hurt.
I didn't cry.
but it was in front of the guy I like.
I stood up.
knee bleeding oh so much.
I went to the nurse.
yes, she was mean.
she put the stupid cleaning burning stuff on.
My friend was laughing
it made it worst.
I'm limping now.

A much needed night.

You wanna know what made my night sooo incredibly great?
well I'll tell you.
Going to the temple after 10 incredibly long months. 
That is what made me so happy.
You know that feeling of after you are done.
you cannot help but smile.
Your sopping wet.
smiling as big as you possibly can.
Having those people receive the gospel.
Doing conformations.
Feeling happy.
I have not felt as happy as I did tonight in a long time.

It felt good.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Those deep breaths after laughing so hard. all for the right reasons.

I get home from school. 
Tired from the long walk home.
I check facebook really quick.
I go to messages.
Jenny sent 3.
My Favorite?
" Dude... please let me know if you can skype. GET ON MAN!  WE ARE ALL HERE AND WE WANT TO SEE YOU!"
Just Jenny being Jenny.
" I'm on.
I just got home from school"
Seriously never typed that faster in my entire life.
type that email in the search box on skype.
I talked to them tonight.
My rocks.
Best buds.
I talked to them for an hour and 5 minutes tonight.
Best hour and 5 minutes. ever.
I miss them.
I heard about boy stories.
and got to be in on getting a boy back for a prank call.
" S: i'll have an egg roll!
J: Me Too!
Me: I'll have the Orange chicken!
E: I'll have Kung pao!"
Our inside jokes.
"I learned about tahiti in World Civ!"
Hearing their voices like nothing changed.
Because honestly it hasn't.
We best friends. for good. 
I love you all!! 

Monday, May 28, 2012

it happens to everybody.

sometimes i like to laugh.
just laugh.
anywhere really.
today i laughed.
in the middle of young womens.
at not a really good time too.
darn those cute primary kids.

Monday, May 21, 2012

It's Tradition.

I'm kinda in love. 

P.S. Those hands aren't mine they just have the same color. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Je suis malade.

that my friends is french for "I am sick".
I am not only sick. I am super sick.
I feel my throat wants to kill me from all the coughing.
my stomach wants to give me as much pain as possible.
my fever wants to make me miserable and sweaty.
  my head pounds.
all this resulted from friday until today and who knows when it will end.
did I mention i feel asleep at 3:00 A.M.
yes that actually happened.
Welcome to a different country mal.
Where you get sick with something new every 2 weeks.
the only good thing that happened is I got to have
2 cokes. (:

Friday, May 18, 2012

{S.U.M.M.E.R. }

(if you can't tell i'm SUPER excited) (:

{i promise}

i mean really....
growing up and becoming who i am is hard...
Sometimes I have no idea what i'm doing.
sometimes i don't know how to endure this...
but then i hear those little words.....
"you can do it, your halfway there! the first steps are the hardest! just going in your room and pour everything out in prayer not "why me but try me."
honestly sometimes i feel sick to my stomach complaining about stuff i know i shouldn't.
who gets this experience? not many people.
I have never gotten a more powerful testimony.
really i'm so grateful for it.
i know that heavenly father is making me stronger for whats to come.
so instead of complaining about that one boy who have become a burden or
that i get sick more often.
or those tickets.
maybe i just need to move on...
i will be grateful for this day. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Today I cut my hair shoulder length... pictures to come. (:

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

2 instead of 4.

Today it was brought up at church.
" Mal, you have two more years"
That's right two. 
2 until I make my decision.
That one that will make my life so excited and over joyed (which I don't doubt.)
That one that will make my life crazy with chaos. ( which I don't doubt either.)

I've always gotten excited.
"I can get out of here, become who I wanna be."
now I've been come 
I'm growing up.
"You're almost there mal"

I'll be 16 in december.
2 1/2.
I'm terrified not only will my mom be a country away.
but my family.
Dad, mom , brother and sister.

So I've decided to embrace 

"it's like going on a mission."
now I've finally understood what I meant.

but I've also realized
I hate to read ahead in chapters.
but I also have to be ready to embrace those chapters.
Those people.
Maybe I'll meet new best friends.
new family.
new people.

It's all adding up to now.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A hour or two.

I miss that boy.
Tyler Smooth Duke Mcfarland.
Best bud.

I miss that girl
Megan Blume
My proxy sister.

Summer 2011
Best summer ever.

These girls.
Best friends
"Your going to be one of my bridesmaids at my wedding!"

These Grandma.
I love her oh so much.
"When do you turn 16?"

I miss them all so much.
These 4663 miles thing isn't really working out now is it?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Shel Silverstein

"I will not play at tug o' war

I'd rather play at hug o' war,

Where everyone hugs

Instead of tugs

Where everyone giggles

And rolls on the rug,

Where everyone kisses

And everyone grins

And everyone cuddles

And everyone wins."

Sunday, April 8, 2012

New blog?

new blog
because simply.
I'm changing.
This blog will be here.
and I'll post still
promise but here is the other address to the new one

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

i am a mormon.

there is something BIG happening this week.


I can just tell this year will be a good one!!
can't wait!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

{more then 17.}

I love this movie.
watch this movie!
it has strengthen my testimony of the pioneers so much.
the ancestor i did for trek is in this!!
" i'm not telling you it's going to be easy, i'm telling you it's going to be worth it"

Monday, March 12, 2012


Maybe it was when dad got home.
Or when niki went crazy.
Mom and I couldn't stop laughing
It might have been when I didn't go to sleep until 1:00.
or woke up with one of the best hair days ever.
It could have been at church.
or when dad and hunter got home.
It could have been one of the most awkwardest sacraments ever.
or when we were teaching niki how to walk.
It could have very well been one of the most longest naps I have ever taken on a sunday.
possibly even the only sunday nap.
it could have been when niki got so hyper that I couldn't stop laughing.
or when hunter woke up with a priceless face.
but these people.
there mine.
all mine.
and I love them.

Happy Sunday.
- Mallori

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

{Mi Family}

is the best the post below is nothing.
if I was a boy scout
I would do the boy scout honor.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

{A very confused in love out love 15 year old}

Sometimes I like boys.
Actually if you asked my proxy sister in utah
she would say
boy crazy.
Okay yes
I am boy crazy.

Now on to the
your probably wondering about the title sorta thing.
Well you see this is how it went.

So one night I went to a stake dance.
At this stake dance there was a ward boy.
I must admit I was excited I've liked this boy since about January I think.
We hung out.
He asked me to dance about half the night.
Every girls dream right?
That's what I thought too.
until that all changed.

Now I thought we were pretty good friends I mean if you sit by me in seminary,say hi to me, hang out at a dance, take a couple pictures with me etc...
I mean wouldn't you say he liked me?
Yeah that's what I thought too.
until this past week.

(This is when the really quite confused 15 year old goes to the mom.)
Everything changed.Everything.

No sitting by each other in seminary.
Quick hello's.
Fast Goodbye's.
Looking at each other confused.
Or more me looking at him confused.
(not too much I hate desperate looks)

There was a time when I thought I really liked him. really liked him.
So this is my question.
In love,
or out?
So confused.
One thing though.
I have never been happier to be 15.

{Miss. Always. Invisible.}

Every girl feels this way one time in her life or another.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

{Brace on the face}

Now I know what you all are thinking...
she got braces.
No actually, I didn't but can I just say
I want braces so freaking bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate my teeth
I hate not having them straight
I hate them being crooked in the front because
of the car accident.
I want braces for Pete's sake.
no I am not crazy I am just stating what I feel
so there.
I'm 15 and I really want to get braces
I want the braces to get on a quick.
I want to have good teeth.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

{Le.Sourire.Emmanuel Moire.}

On a toujours le droit
De douter, décevoir
Ceux qui sont restés
Et baisser les bras qu'on levait cent fois
Longtemps même, mais...

On a toujours le droit
De pleurer, certains soirs
Tenu au secret, quand la vie n'est pas
Ce qu'on rêvait là, longtemps même
Avant même, de voir.

Je donne un sourire sans savoir où ça le mène
S'il peut consoler pour qu'il me revienne
Je donne un sourire et soudain on a le même
Le temps d'essayer, tout vaut la peine.

On a toujours le droit de tomber
De s'asseoir, sans se relever
De se dire pourquoi encore un combat
Longtemps même, avant même d'y croire, d'y croire...

Je donne un sourire sans savoir où ça le mène
S'il peut consoler pour qu'il me revienne
Je donne un sourire et soudain on a le même
Le temps d'essayer, tout vaut la peine.

Donner un sourire et la terre devient l'Eden, l'Eden.

Je donne un sourire sans savoir où ça le mène
S'il peut consoler pour qu'il me revienne
Je donne un sourire et soudain on a le même
Le temps d'essayer, tout sourire,
La Terre devient l'Eden.

It always has the right
To doubt, disappoint
Those who remained
And give up that rose a hundred times
Same time, but ...

It always has the right
To cry some nights
Held incommunicado, when life is not
What we dreamed there, even long
Before, to see.

I give a smile, not knowing where it leads
If it is any consolation for me to come back
I give a smile and suddenly we have the same
Time to try, all worth it.

We still have the right to fall
To sit down without getting up
To say why again war
Same time, even before they believe, to believe ...

I give a smile, not knowing where it leads
If it is any consolation for me to come back
I give a smile and suddenly we have the same
Time to try, all worth it.

Give a smile and the land becomes the Eden, Eden.

I give a smile, not knowing where it leads
If it is any consolation for me to come back
I give a smile and suddenly we have the same
Time to try, all smiles,
Earth becomes the Eden.

Happy Tuesday.
